For what behaviors can a student be referred to the principal ("sent to the office")? (CA EdCode 48900-k-5)
A teacher may refer a student to a school administrator for the following behavior:
A teacher may refer a student to a school administrator for the following behavior:
- Cause, attempt to cause or threaten to cause physical injury to another person.
- Willfully use force or violence upon another person, except in self-defense.
- Possess, supply, or sell a firearm, knife (brandishing a knife), explosive, or other dangerous object. The exception is possession of the item with written permission from a certificated employee, and with the agreement of the principal or principal designee.
- Unlawfully possess, use, supply, sell, or be under the influence of a controlled substance or intoxicant.
- Supply or sell a liquid, substance, or material representing it as a controlled substance or intoxicant.
- Commit or attempt to commit robbery or extortion.
- Cause or attempt to cause damage to school property or private property.
- Steal or attempt to steal school property or private property.
- Possess or use tobacco or nicotine products. This does not include use or possession the the student's own prescription products.
- Willfully defy the authority of teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.
- Commit an obscene act or engage in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
- Unlawfully possess, supply, or sell drug paraphernalia.
- Knowingly receive stolen school property or private property.
- Possess an imitation firearm such that a reasonable person concludes the replica is a firearm.
- Sexual harassment in grades 4-12 and committing or attempting to commit sexual assault or battery.
- Harass, threaten, intimidate, or retaliate against a complaining student witness.
- Engage in or attempt to engage in hazing.
- Bullying, including cyberbullying.
- In grades 4-12, intentionally engage in harassment, threats, or intimidation directed against personnel or students severely enough to disrupt classwork, create disorder, or create a hostile educational environment.
- Cause, attempt to cause, or threaten to cause an act of hate violence.
- Make terroristic threats against school officials, school property, or both.
What can a teacher expect from the principal? (CA EdCode 48900-k-5)
- The teacher must immediately report the suspension to the principal and send the student to the principal for appropriate action.
- The suspension is for the day of suspension and the following day.
- As soon as possible, the teacher must ask the parent of the student to attend a parent-teacher conference regarding the suspension.
- Either the teacher or parent may request that a school administrator attend the conference, at which point a school administrator must attend.
- A school counselor of or school psychologist may attend the conference.